Showing 101 - 125 of 425 Results
History of the Reign of Henry Iv., King of France and Navarre. From Numerous Unpublished Sou... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9781152311404 List Price: $26.71
Louis XIV: King of France and Navarre by Forester, C. S. ISBN: 9781430458548 List Price: $27.95
Les Posies Du Roy De Navarre: Avec Des Notes & Un Glossaire Franois; Prcedes De L'histoire D... by King Of Navarre Thibaud ISBN: 9781147339178 List Price: $32.75
The Heptameron of the tales of Margaret, queen of Navarre. Translated into English from the ... by Queen, consort of Henry II,... ISBN: 9781125371930 List Price: $21.99
History of the Reign of Henry 4, King of France and Navarre from Numerous Unpublished Source... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9781178532333 List Price: $34.75
Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre by (queen, Consort of Henry I.... ISBN: 9780461217445 List Price: $15.95
Life of Marguerite d'angoul�me, Queen of Navarre, Duchess d'alen�on and de Ber... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9780371768778 List Price: $17.95
History of the Reign of Henry Iv. , King of France and Navarre : Henry Iv. and Marie de Medi... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9780461590548 List Price: $15.95
History of the Reign of Henry Iv. , King of France and Navarre : Henry Iv. and Marie de Medici by (afterwards John Robinson)... ISBN: 9780461730166 List Price: $15.95
History of the Reign of Henry Iv. King of France and Navarre : Henry Iv. and the League by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9780461766301 List Price: $15.95
History of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre by Abbott, John Stevens C ISBN: 9780461944006 List Price: $12.95
New Declaration of the Confederate Princes and States, Against Lewis the Fourteenth, King of... by Fleet-Street, Tim Goodwin A... ISBN: 9780461963489 List Price: $8.95
Heptameron, Tr. , with a Memoir of the Author, by W. K. Kelly by (consort of Henry, King Of ... ISBN: 9780461973938 List Price: $16.95
History of the Reign of Henry Iv. , King of France and Navarre : Henry Iv. and Marie de Medi... by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9780371887479 List Price: $14.95
Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre by James, George Payne Rainsford ISBN: 9780371401002 List Price: $16.95
Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre; Volume 2 by George Payne Rainsford James ISBN: 9781012053567 List Price: $29.95
History of the Reign of Henry Iv. , King of France and Navarre : Henry Iv. and the League. 2 V by Freer, Martha Walker ISBN: 9780461464924 List Price: $15.95
Louis Xiv : King of France and Navarre (LARGE PRINT EDITION) by Forester, C. S. ISBN: 9781169935846 List Price: $42.95
Navarre Bible Joshua-Kings by Rubin, Barry A. ISBN: 9781851826766
Contes et Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre, Faisant Suite Aux Contes de J... by King Of Navarre, Marguerite ISBN: 9781171389620 List Price: $22.75
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